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...Inte Recomm the C Switch Power connect P ensure Please Sy Co A Using Fibre DVI , DVI , DVI : appro a install De conn ACS ACS ACS For and VI - D the VI - D + K K . 2 . 3 o To 4 . 3 . 7 . 2 . 5 . 6 . 1 . • • 2 T 2 • • 3 D D , s n - I i room , ro...
...resistant membrane switches , a durable powder coat finish , and four ( 4 ) NIST traceable calibrated wavelengths . Equipped with a universal receptacle to accept a variety of connector styles , the unit features 0.01 dB resolution over the ful...
...move the toggle switch to the ON position . When the unit is receiving power , the green PWR ( power ) LED will light . Black Box Customer Service Call : ( 724 ) 746 - 5500 Phone orders 24 hours a day , 7 : 00 AM Monday to midnight Friday ; ...
...or presentation switcher to a pre - defined resolution . Order toll - free in the U.S . or for FREE 24 / 7 technical support : Contact Call 877 - 877 - BBOX ( outside U.S . call 724 - 746 - 5500 ) Information • info @ blackb...
...MEDIA CONVERTER SWITCHES Media Converter Switches for the office environment . Key Features Converter Switches provide more Use them in your office ; edia Converter Switches from options in network topology , extend them to the factory floor...